Announcing: The Event of The Year For Pelvic Health Providers…


In Just 3 Days You’ll Gain The Skills & Confidence To Grow Your Clinic, Raise Your Income & Be The Go-To Provider In Your Community

(Even If You’re a New or Seasoned Pro)

March 15-17, 2024 in San Diego, CA

(Limited to only 100 spots!)

From: Kelly Alhooie, Pelvic PT

San Diego, CA

Dear Pelvic Health Provider,

Still trying to get your clinic off the ground?

Using all the business growth tricks, marketing and sales hacks, and searching for the perfect hire (hoping they never leave)?

But at the end of the day it still feels like something’s missing…

Because there’s nothing to show for all your hard work.

I get it.

My name’s Kelly Alhooie and I’m a pelvic health PT.

Just 3 years ago I was working 4 jobs trying to make a dent in over 200K of student debt.

As you can imagine, I burned out FAST.

Fast forward to today and I’ve paid it all back and own a successful brick & mortar practice and coaching company…

How successful?

Well… I haven’t treated patients myself in over 2 years.

I was able to take a month-long vacation to Europe, have ZERO interaction with my staff – and the business kept running without a hitch.


It’s got nothing to do with talent or luck.

And it’s not about experience or a bigger budget either.


👉It’s about having the RIGHT SYSTEMS in place.

I’ve now shown my systems to over 100 amazing pelvic health providers over the past 2 years (new and seasoned pros) and it works.

Grab your ticket to PelviBiz 2024 and I’ll prove it to you.


After the event you’ll…


Finally stop worrying about how to pay yourself and crack the code to consistent patient load and income you can rely on. Forget having to shut down or go back to work for someone else!

Walk away with actionable steps to manage your clinic's finances and steer your business in the right direction (even if numbers aren’t your thing)!

Master the art of hiring and training an elite team that runs your clinic for you - even if you’re on a 2-week vacation!

Gain access to expert mentors who’ll analyze YOUR situation and partner with you to craft a unique plan of action…

Never again feel isolated and unsupported. Gain immediate entry into the sisterhood of Pelvic Health Girlfriends.

Discover the proven steps to owning a thriving clinic that runs without you - giving you time for family and self-care.

No matter where you’re at with your pelvic health clinic…

“PelviBiz 2024” has something to help you drive your business to new heights.

Keep reading to see what’s in store for you…

We’re Giving You The Blueprint To Become The Go-To Therapist In Your Community…

Training & Guidance

Imagine walking into PelviBiz 2024 weighed down by questions and self-doubt. You know you’re great at your craft, but sales, marketing, staff management, and running a clinic feel like a twisted maze you can’t navigate.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been at this for years or you’re completely new…

You’re going to get the latest education on running a successful clinic from the PelviBiz team and the all-star guest speakers.

This includes live workshops where you’ll be working in small groups and immediately applying ideas to your business.

Picture yourself leaving just three days later…

A powerhouse entrepreneur - empowered, enlightened, and unstoppable with your newfound skills.

Feel the confidence of knowing you've just gained the insider secrets that others took years to master.

No more aimless hours spent on ineffective marketing tactics or stumbling through awkward sales calls. You've been transformed through hands-on training, mentored by some of the best in business.

You've dissected your challenges, brainstormed solutions, and fine-tuned strategies in workshops, joined by other ambitious clinic owners.

Your future now holds the promise of a clinic teeming with patients and the emotional high of turning uncertainty into unwavering assurance.

Community & Accountability

No pelvic health provider needs to be an island – navigating the complexities of therapy and business ownership all alone.

After attending PelviBiz 2024 you’ll be connected, embraced by a circle of incredible women who “get you.”

You won't be lonely because you're now part of an unbreakable sisterhood of professionals, a mix of rising stars and wise mentors who speak your language and share your dreams.

Feel your heart swell with pride as you form genuine connections and collaborative partnerships that will skyrocket your reputation in the pelvic health world.

Imagine the excitement as you exchange business cards, knowing each one is a door to new opportunities, patient referrals, and even life-changing collaborations.

Now you're part of an ever-growing, supportive community that'll celebrate your wins, help you navigate your losses, and hold you accountable for the groundbreaking success you are destined to achieve.

The Pelvic Health Provider's Business Toolkit

How would it feel to finally crack the code on client retention and referral…

So they know you, like you, trust you, and can’t help but sing your praises?

Pretty good, right?

No more tireless nights worrying about next month’s income, feeling overwhelmed by marketing tasks or financial decisions you’re unsure of…


You’ve got a full schedule, your social media buzzing with engagement, and your staff handling operations smoothly—all thanks to the clear, monthly roadmap you created at PelviBiz 2024.

You’re not just meeting your income goals but smashing them, month after month (and never at the expense of your own well-being)...

You're no longer overworked and stressed-out trying to wear all the hats. Nope. Now you're a true leader, guided by systems which allow you to help more people than ever before (without ever burning out).

PelviBiz 2024 offers you a sense of freedom, empowerment, and endless possibility – so you can align your skill, passion, and business into a fulfilling lifestyle.

Meet a Few of Our Superstar Speakers

(We’re still wrapping up the rest of the list)

Kelly Alhooie - Pelvic PT

What You’re Getting: Kelly’s going to share proven strategies for effective marketing, sales, hiring, training, and retention of staff. She and her team will also show you the systems you can apply in your business so it can run smoothly without you. They’ll also help you craft a unique action plan for your business. The training will be beneficial for both new and seasoned professionals. In fact, many experienced clients are surprised by some of what we teach.

What’s Her Story?
With over $200K in student debt, Kelly became an entrepreneur out of necessity. Starting a mobile practice,

treating in her home, and building and growing a 7-figure brick & mortar practice.

Kelly wanted to do more to help other pelvic health therapists and founded PelviBiz. Little did she know in just two years, she’d be at the helm of a multi-six-figure coaching company, PelviBiz. Through PelviBiz, Kelly and her team empower women who are Pelvic Health PTs, OTs, and PTAs.

Kelly is one of the few (if any) pelvic health therapists that has completely stopped seeing patients for over 2 years now. She’s able to take vacations, have no interaction with her company without anything breaking. Now she’s helping others achieve the same in their practices.

Kelly’s appeared in peer-reviewed publications, been recognized for entrepreneurial accomplishments by Smart Success Healthcare, is the creator & host of the PelviBiz podcast (90+ episodes), has graced the APTA cover in June 2022 issue and was featured in Custom Ink as an “Inspiring Woman in business”.

Greg Todd - PT

What You’re Getting: He’ll be showing you exactly how to stop trading your time for money relying on 1-1 sessions with patients to hit your income goals. Greg developed what he calls “168 Vehicles”. Exponential income models that work for you 24/7/365. He’ll show you the top 5 every healthcare professional can immediately use to multiply their income, without sacrificing their health or burning out.

What’s His Story?
Greg Todd is a successful physical therapist, serial entrepreneur, and coach with a flair for inspiring others. After five years of working on the WTA tour with pro tennis players, burnout hit.

When his boss said “NO” to taking time off, he was forced into entrepreneurship. He launched 3 businesses and the only one that succeeded was his own PT practice. One practice turned into three which combined have generated $30M in revenue.

In 2009, Greg launched Smart Success Healthcare, a coaching and consulting company that’s been responsible for training 1000s of healthcare professionals (PTs, OTs, Dietitians, FitPros and 15 more specialties) to successfully start and scale online businesses.

Greg’s goal is to transform the lives of 10,000 healthcare providers, freeing them from burnout and financial constraints so they can positively impact healthcare and enjoy a fulfilling life and career.

Greg is the founder and host of multiple podcasts like The Hunt for Greatness, Wealth Code Secrets, and Secrets Success.

PelviBiz Attendees Are Raving…

"Kelly actually saved me from a contract where I was going to make $70K a year, which I thought was a good offer for a new grad. But she saved me from that, and I'm going to be making 3-4X that amount this year because of PelviBiz. If you know you can be better and that you want to grow a business, but you have all these little objections, these questions about yourself, you can come in and be supported by Kelly and by PelviBiz and get over those things and find out how to clear those hurdles one at a time."

Brandie Freeman

"There's so much awesome information on how to start your own business to how to hire somebody and the systems that need to be in place for that. When I first started with Kelly, my revenue was $2,000 less a month, so it increased by $2K with the same amount of patients."

​​Lauren Richardson Luke

"I would recommend PelviBiz to anyone who is not sure what the next step is for THEM whether it be you are already making money, or you feel stuck, anyone who is wondering is if it's possible."

Amanda Sneed

"I would recommend PelviBiz to not just physical therapists who are pelvic health PTs that want to get into their own cash-based business, but any physical therapist or OT who wants to start their own cash-based business and just get out of the rut and the grind of what we're doing in our clinics right now."

Katie Ihlenfeldt

"Kelly has given me the support to go above and beyond what I even originally dreamed for myself and my business. She knows you better than you know yourself. She knows how to build off of your strengths. The biggest change I have seen in my business since joining PelviBiz is revenue change. I went from earning $1K a month to almost $5K a month in less than three weeks time, then gaining the confidence to finally sign a lease for my own space."

Erica Genee

"My five-year plan has been sped up to almost a two-month plan. I really found a lot of support and sisterhood in this program and the energy that all the ladies have, especially Kelly as our captain has really spoken to my heart and played into my journey. This is for any therapist that wants to branch off. You'll have the tools from this program. From beginning to end, there's a whole list of what to do before you go to the next step to make sure you don't miss any steps that could potentially harm you in the future. The fact that I even have a business has been the best part of this. Now I can officially say that I own my own company. I am the founder."

Aryn Delaney

"I was struggling to make money in my business, and now I feel a lot more confident about making more and not having to live paycheck to paycheck."

Amy Newberry

"Before I joined this program, I didn't have any income because I was starting a new business, and I was basically a wannabe. Now in the last month, I've made $5K because of Kelly and using the strategies that she's taught me."

Andrea Nied

Victoria Clement

“One of my friends recommended that I talk to Kelly and I could not be happier. PelviBiz has provided community help with marketing, patient care systems, social media, everything you could ever want.”

Maddy Roth

“ I was averaging about eight patients a week, two weeks ago when I started coaching with Kelly, and now I’m averaging 16 patients a week, literally in two weeks. It’s insane.”

Aryn Delaney

“I met Kelly and got involved with PelviBiz a year ago, and that’s when I decided to quit my nine to five job, start my own business.”

Amy Newberry

“I learned how to talk to my clients & truly understand what they are looking for. I’ve learned how to value myself, my time & what I’m giving to the clients I am serving.”

Brandie Freeman

“I’ve passed my yearly goals within a MONTH because of Kelly & Pelvibiz!”

Andrea Nied

“Kelly helps you understand how to manage your personal life, your business life & how to get your time back! I made 5k last month as a new grad because of her.”

Erica Genee

Kelly is amazing at recognizing your strengths and helping you build off of them! Because of Pelvibiz I went from earning $1,000 a month to $5,000 a month!”

Aryn Delaney

“My 5 year plan has been sped up to a 2 month plan. I have gained so much sisterhood & support because of this program!”

Amanda Sneed

“My biggest goal has been to spend more time with my kids & because of Kelly I know what actionable steps to take to be able to do that!”

Lauren Richardson Luke

“There’s so much awesome information from how to start your own business to how to hire someone! My monthly revenue increased by $2,000 because of what I learned from Kelly”

Katie Ihlenfeldt

“I’ve learned how to have the confidence to believe in myself and am so thankful for this supportive community!”

Amber Carden

“Pelvibiz gave me a way to take steps towards the things that I actually want to be doing.”

Grab Your Ticket For PelviBiz 2024…

General Admission Ticket

Access To All 3 Days Of Talks w/ Guest Speakers, Live Workshops, Fun Activities and Q&A

PelviBiz 2024 Gift Bag

Friday Cocktail & Socializing for 2 hours with entire PelviBiz Community

Saturday & Sunday Breakfast & Lunch

VIP Ticket

Priority Seating with a recording of the event

Access To All 3 Days Of Talks w/ Guest Speakers, Live Workshops, Fun Activities and Q&A

PelviBiz 2024 Gift Bag

Friday Cocktail & Socializing for 2 hours with entire PelviBiz Community

Saturday & Sunday Breakfast & Lunch Included

Additional 2 Hours After Friday's Cocktail Hour W/ Kelly & Guest Speakers To Answer Individual Questions

VIP Access To An Area Where You Can Schedule Free Massages During The Event

I look forward to meeting you in San Diego, CA on March 15th,

Kelly Alhooie

Owner & CEOPelviBiz
P.S. Sign up now. We only have 100 spots available and they will fill up fast.

Got Questions?
Let’s See If I Can Ease Your Mind

Q: What exactly is PelviBiz 2024, and how is it different from other business coaching events?
PelviBiz 2024 is specifically for pelvic health PTs, OTs, and PTAs who are looking to start their own clinic, doing it as a side hustle or already running their own clinic and want to grow it without having to sacrifice their time and wellbeing in the process. PelviBiz 2024 blends business coaching with industry-specific advice on marketing, sales, hiring, training staff and lots more all while having fun. You’ll get actionable strategies to position yourself as the top pelvic health therapist in your community. Grab your ticket here.
Q: Who is behind PelviBiz 2024, and what are their credentials in both pelvic health therapy and business management?
The event is hosted by PelviBiz founder Kelly Alhooie. She’s built and grown a 7-figure brick & mortar practice as well as PelviBiz, a multi-six-figure coaching company. In 2 years, Kelly and her team have partnered with 100s of pelvic health PTs, OTs, and PTAs so they can build their dream business without sacrificing their health.

Kelly’s appeared in peer-reviewed publications, been recognized for entrepreneurial accomplishments by Smart Success Healthcare, hosts the PelviBiz podcast (90+ episodes), has graced the APTA cover in June 2022 issue and was featured in Custom Ink as an “Inspiring Woman in Business.”

Q: What's the format of the event? Is it a workshop, a series of lectures, or a combination?
It’s a mix of workshops, lectures from Kelly and guest speakers, and interactive sessions tailored to both new and established pelvic health PTs, OTs and PTAs with and without their own clinic. Grab your ticket here.
Q: How long is the event?
It’s a 3-day intensive event, designed to deliver maximum value in a short time.
Q: Will you provide support after the event is over?
Yes! Once you grab your ticket you’ll have exclusive access to our private PelviBiz 2024 Community. That way you can start to meet and get to know everyone who’ll be at the event before arriving. That way you won’t feel like a stranger and already have plenty of other pelvic health providers to talk to. Plus, as you hop in you’ll be able to start growing your network, partnering and collaborating. This is one of the biggest advantages of PelviBiz 2024.
Q: What about accommodation, air travel, transportation and meals?
You’re responsible for booking your own accommodation, your air travel if you’re coming from outside San Diego, and transportation. We recommend staying near FLORA, the venue where the event takes place. We’ll be providing you with appetizers and beverages on Friday evening. You also don’t have to worry about breakfast or lunch both Saturday and Sunday. We’ve got you covered!
Q: Is this event suitable for someone who's just starting their clinic, or is it aimed at those who are already established?
PelviBiz 2024 has something for you whether you’re just starting or you’ve been in business for years. We’ll share not only the latest in pelvic health, but also hand over the marketing, sales and social media systems that we use to consistently bring in new clients and hold onto them for the long term.
Q: What kind of results can I realistically expect from attending?
You can expect to walk away with a clear plan to build trust in your market and position yourself as the best pelvic health therapist in your area. This means you’ll be booked solid, weeks or months in advance, bringing in a consistent number of new clients consistently and with the systems in place for sustained growth – whether you’re in the clinic or not. Grab your ticket here.
Q: Can I expect one-on-one coaching, or is it mostly group sessions?
There will be breakout sessions for more personalized coaching in small groups, but there won’t be 1-1 sessions. If you are VIP, that is your chance to ask your questions individually to Kelly and speakers.
Q: Will there be actionable strategies that I can implement immediately?
Absolutely! We’ll be running multiple workshops in small groups where you’ll get a roadmap for clinical and business success that you can start implementing right away (possibly seeing results even before you get back home).
Q: How can this event help me overcome my specific challenges such as staff training, financial planning, and lead generation?
We’ll be helping you build systems to better train your staff, generate more leads, and make smarter financial decisions. We will also share how we market, sell and communicate our services to position yourself as one of the top choices in your community.
Q: Are there any prerequisites or materials I need to prepare before attending?
Just come prepared to participate and have tons of fun. All other materials will be provided.
Q: How much does it cost to attend, and what's included in the fee?
The standard early-bird ticket is $500. It includes access to all the training sessions, guest talks, live workshops, cocktail and appetizers on Friday evening, and breakfast and lunch both Saturday and Sunday. The VIP ticket is $700, includes everything in the standard ticket plus a few extras.
Q: Is there an early-bird discount or options for payment plans?
Yes! Standard early-bird tickets are available for $500 if you register by October 15th. After that the price will increase. Grab your ticket here.
Q: Will there be opportunities for networking with other pelvic health therapists?
Absolutely, you’ll have chances to mingle with Chiros, NPs and Doctors just like you. This is all done in an informal way throughout the event. You’ll also have time to chat and get to know everyone during the meals and all the small group workshops. There’ll be experienced professionals who’ve been doing this a very long time and others who are new to the game. It’s the perfect place to build relationships, plan for future collaborations and partnerships and ask all the questions you have.
Q: What's the venue like?
The event will take place at Flora in San Diego, CA. It is in person. The venue is a very popular place for wedding celebrations and a great place to tune out from the rest of the world so you can focus on becoming the best pelvic health therapist you can be (and grow your business in the process).
Q: Will the sessions be recorded, and will I have access to them after the event?
Yes, all sessions will be recorded and available for VIP Ticket holders after the event.
Q: Is there any post-event support or follow-up?
You’ll become part of an exclusive online community for ongoing support and learning.
Q: What's the refund policy if I can't make it?
We don’t offer refunds. The best way to hold you accountable and make sure the event is filled with those who are truly committed is to make sure you have skin in the game. Also, this is an in-person event and we have to cover the cost of the venue upfront.
Q: How do I secure my spot, and what's the deadline for registration?
The ticket price will increase on November 1st. Grab your early bird ticket here! There are only 100 spots, so you’ve got to act fast. We’ve done this so you can get the most personalized attention possible in a group setting. Seats will fill up quickly.